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Ulla Heinonen

If you would like to get in touch with Ulla Heinonen, please send an email to

Dr. Ulla Heinonen

  • Sued Management, Finland, CEO
  • Humanistic Management Network, Member of the Global Governance Board

Teaching topics
  • Building trust and the sense of community in organizations
  • Leadership in modern organizations
  • Coaching and Fabula tools®
  • Professional identity
  • The power of diversity in organizations

Ulla Heinonen is able to teach in following Languages
English and Finnish

Main Research Interests
  • Leadership and leadership development
  • Virtual teams
  • Building trust in organizations
  • Well-being in organizations
  • The sense of community and trust
  • Organizational development
  • Building a professional identity
  • Mentoring, supervising and coaching

Ulla Heinonen in 50 Words
Ulla Heinonen received her PhD in Digital Culture from the University of Turku, Finland. Her interest and research focuses on the building trust, the sense of community and leadership in organizations. At the moment, she is teaching, training and coaching executives and leaders. She believes on life long learning and as well she strongly believes that every one has the right to be, and can be, motivated at their work. She is an expert in coaching, mentoring, supervising and teaching. Also she has been working many years as a leader.

Available for Travel
Ulla Heinonen is available for travel


Heinonen, U. (2008) Leadership and Virtual Teams Working Globally. In Mäenpää, M. & Rajanti, T. (eds.) Creative Future Conference Proceedings Publications of Creative Leadership. University of Art and Design, Pori School of Art and Media. Taideteollisen korkeakoulun julkaisuja C 6, 2008, 299-310.

Heinonen, U. (2008) Teknologia hallussa, valta käsissä? Kokemuksia pikaviestimien hallinnasta virtuaaliympäristöissä. Tiedepolitiikka 3/2008.

Heinonen, U. (2008) Sähköinen yhteisöllisyys - kokemuksia vapaa-ajan, työn ja koulutuksen yhteisöistä verkossa. Doctoral dissertation, Digitaalinen kulttuuri, Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen julkaisuja XIV, 2008.

Heinonen, U. (2011) Flirttailua teknososiaalisissa suhteissa työyhteisöissä? In: Heinonen, U., Turtiainen, R. & Saarikoski, P.(eds.) Digirakkaus vol.2., Verkkosuhteita.

Heinonen, U (2013): Maailma muuttuu - niin myös johtajuus. Johtajan Sparraaja, Johdon työnohjaajat ry/ nro 1/2013.

Kemppainen H.& Heinonen, U. (2013). Työ muuttuu - muuttuuko työhyvinvointi? Työnohjaus & Coaching lehti, Sued Management Oy, Luotain Consulting Oy, asiakaslehti 2013 - 2014

Kemppainen H. & Heinonen, U. (2013). The changing definition of well-being at work. OECD WickiProgress.

Heinonen, U: (2014) Seksuaalisuus työyhteisön kriisin aiheuttajana. In Paunonen-Ilmonen, M., Heinonen, U. (eds.) Työelämän kriisit ja niiden ratkaiseminen.

Edited books:

Heinonen, U., Turtiainen, R. & Saarikoski, P. (2011) Digirakkaus vol.2., Verkkosuhteita.

Työyhteisön kriisit ja niiden ratkaiseminen (2014). Ilmonen-Paunonen, M. & Heinonen, U.

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Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz

Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz

Humanistic Management Center, Director
  • Teaching topics: The makings of humanistic management; Managing stakeholder relations and dialog; The evolution of development thinking
  • Able to teach in English, German, Spanglish
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Professor Dr. Claus Dierksmeier

Professor Dr. Claus Dierksmeier

Global Ethic Institute, University of Tübingen, Director
  • Teaching topics: CSR & CC - Philosophical Foundations; Business Ethics; Economic Ethics; Globalization Ethics
  • Able to teach in English, German
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Professor Dr. Wolfgang Amann

Professor Dr. Wolfgang Amann

HEC Paris, Qatar
  • Teaching topics: Sound strategy, governance, and leadership; Complexity management; Modern humanistic and sustainable management
  • Able to teach in English, German, French
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Professor Dr. Carlos Largacha-Martinez

Professor Dr. Carlos Largacha-Martinez

Humanistic Management Center Representative, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Teaching topics: Humanistic Management; Authentic Leadership Development; Strategic Thinking
  • Able to teach in Spanish, English
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Dr. Ulla Heinonen

Dr. Ulla Heinonen

Sued Management, CEO
  • Teaching topics: Building trust and the sense of community in organizations, Leading in modern organizations
  • Able to teach in English and Finnish
... more

Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann

Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann

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  • Able to teach in English, German, Spanish
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