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About Us

Our History

We are currently experiencing a world where the human being and its fundamental needs are increasingly broken down into material necessities. The'economization' of everyday life is supplanting humanistic ideals. These ideals, however, have been the foundation of free and democratic societies all around the world, focusing on human nature and its potential in a holistic way.

We argue that turning market economies into 'market societies' means biting the hand that feeds us for we put at risk the very foundations of social peace and cohesion as well as the natural capacity of our planet, which are indispensable for a thriving market economy. ... more

About Humanistic Management

Challenges to the status quo of the Global Economy

Our point of departure is a clear acknowledgement of the tremendous progress that variations of market economies have brought about in many societies. The wealth and prosperity enjoyed in the rich parts of the world today are unprecedented and give us reason to embrace those factors that have led to the emancipation from existential hardship and a substantial increase in personal and collective freedoms in those societies.

Simultaneously, however, the success story of market economies has produced negative side effects that have become to grave to be ignored by simply claiming that the pro's outweigh the con's. This holds true on a global, systemic level as well as when examining business organizations and also people as individuals. ... more


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