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21st of June 2013, One George Street, Westminster, London

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Joint conference with CRESS on happiness in London, UK, 2013

Happiness and Well Being at Work

The Centre for Research in Employment, Skills & Society (CRESS) at Kingston Business School, UK, the Humanistic Management Center and the Humanistic Management Network jointly invite you to our 2013 conference on Happiness and Well Being at Work. The conference will take place at one of London's premier conference venues on June 21st 2013.

We live in a time of multiple crises and consensus that business as usual is no longer an option is fast emerging. In the debate on alternative ways to conduct business, the one-dimensional objective function of the firm as a profit maximizing venture has come under great scrutiny. This conference, titled Happiness and Well Being at Work, Bridging the Gap between Academia, Policy and Practice will bring together management practitioners, policy makers and academics to explore how happiness and well being can serve as an alternative or complementary objective of business.

Following our successful conference in St. Gallen, Switzerland on the same topic in June 2012, we cordially invite you to our second event on this exciting topic. The Centre for Research in Employment, Skills & Society (CRESS) at Kingston Business School, UK, the Humanistic Management Center and the Humanistic Management Network together with our partners and supporters are looking forward to welcoming you at One Great George Street , one of London's premier conference locations on June 21st 2013.

You can find registration details and the full program under the following links:


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