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9th - 10th of October 2014, Tuebingen, Germany

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Conference in Tuebingen, Germany, 9th - 10th of October 2014

Dignity and Business

The political consensus in Western societies has long held the protection of human dignity as central to societal progress.

While business has often proven to be a force for progress and betterment of the quality of life of people, determined efforts of developing higher levels of responsibility for the protection of human rights seem far and few between. However, important trailblazers in the corporate world demonstrate the viability of a combined concern for financial success and human dignity. In this conference we will examine the conceptual foundations of human dignity in business, as well as the role of human rights and responsibilities in both theory and practice.

To register for the conference please click the following link:
Dignity and Business conference registration

You can download further information and the conference program under the following link:

Dignity and Business conference program

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